Thursday, November 17, 2011

For my last 2 days off I decided to go on a mini trip to Hangzhou, which is quite a large touristy place with a nice history and lots to draw. SOmehow though when I got there I just wasn't as inspired to draw as I thought I would be so my sketches are pretty bleh and not many. And craaapp...I'm reverting back to scribbley scribbley as opposed to the new clean lines Sheridan taught me to draw. Gotta work on my short pose life drawing.

And yeah, had a TON of fun with the painting. Going to make many more like it I think. Working in acrylics as watercolour is quite fun.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I've been drawing lots but a bit too lazy to update my blog so here ya goes. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I don't have too much to say here, but after months of procrastination, I sat down for 16 hours straight to redo and finish my site! My favorite design so far. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Licky Fun Time & My First Published Shit!

So I originally wanted to call this entry "F%&$ This SH$%" but decided against it as my busy working weekend did improve near the end. The above illustration depicts an average shit day of work, and no, I am not really exaggerating any facts in this picture. There was a kid hanging off by his teeth on my arm, and a bunch of girls who hug you all class, and the kids who make other kids cry and...ugh. Kids. So innocent and yet so devilish. But they provide excellent inspiration and I learn something new from them every day I guess. And is that shirt not amazing??? I don't actually own it but have seen about 2 walking around town and really want to find it. Yes Engrish. I'll find an actual scanner to make this image worthwhile as my camera yet again decided to screw me over..Any who on to bigger news! Dun Dun DUn.....

Ta DA!!! "Applied Arts" Magazine released an article about Sheridan Fundies and featured my ugly mug and some of my work and an interview!!My first release I suppose. I'm pretty pissed off at myself for submitting those particular pieces as samples of my work cause in retrospect they are still kinda meh.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

An Update from China!

Hey everyone! Haven't updated in over a month so I figured I'd let all of you know what I'm up to. None of these sketches are really finished except the last one, but I figure it's better than posting nothing? Unfortunately even though I do have plenty of time, I haven't spent a lot of it drawing as people are still getting to know me, taking me out, coming over, etc. Not much time to myself yet really. But I had a few quiet days where I went on a hike to a giant ass mountain 20 minutes away, brought my watercolours and sat there sketching for a while (last image). I haven't yet built up the courage to do the same in the city, especially as every time I stop, someone pulls out their cellphone camera and it gets pretty damn annoying. But overall life is interesting as one of the only foreigners in Taizhou. My city, Huangyan, is only about 1 million, the teaching job is...heh, a job, and the lonely life kicks ass. Now I have to kick my ass in shape to keep up with all my talented friends in animation!

pr: sorry for the blurry quality but my camera is not the best and I don't have a scanner here that works well..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Daily Life

So now that my pre-China prep is going smoothly and Im down to shopping more or less, I've had lots of time in between waiting to meet people, riding the subway and buses, and just wandering around and trying my hand at water colour sketching which is one of the styles I want to use for an illustration book of China I want to make during this year. Or at least Taizhou where I will be living. A week and a half left till a new life begins! Which means no updates for a while until I can buy a scanner over there. I'll put up some more stuff before I bail I promise!
Major apologies on my current scanner, it sucks as when im scanning anything other than printer paper...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Because I Suck

So..I have no new revolutionary art to show,as I am working my ass off coding my new site, so here are some of my last life drawing sketches from Sheridan (yes I snuck into costume extra life) and WIPs. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Hola! I have returned from the wild wild north with a significantly lowered sense of hygiene and a newfound love for nonexistent but rude sounding swearwords such as "f*#%turd". Yup. I drew not a lot, and most of what I sketched was drawn half in the dark in my tent or on a shaking bus os with my hands shaking due to -12 degree temperature in the middle of June. I love Canada.

The most awesoem part of treeplanting? Not the planting of course, that part sucked 99% of the time. BUT: I did manage to hitchhike home with a few friends which turned out to be a crazy adventure with nothing but good things happening to us the whole journey. In the city you assume most people are selfish jerks, but the kindness as soon as you get up north to the small little towns is ridiculous. An old brought us icecream on a hot day while we were hitching a ride outside of her house, a man bought us food and booze to last us for days, a young girl let us sleep in her music studio, a guy bought us a 35 dollar pizza and whatnot. Some dude even wrote me poetry, which was very sweet of him. Overall, super cool and I suggest hitchhiking to anyone living in Canada at least once. Get the right friends to go with you. You'll always get a good story even if the trip sucks. : )

Last sketches are my studies of transforming my manga charatcers into a western style comic art (not to worry I'm not redoing the comic again, just playing around).

Expanded on the sketch and renewed my love for markers and pencils.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Post Before the Disappearing Act

The school break has started, and I have just a few days to pack up, say my goodbyes and go off into the woods for two months. Unfortunately we've had a tragedy in my family and inspiration isn't really driving me right now, so I haven't been making anything noteworthy. And the animation is at a halt until I resolve my after effects issues..
Above is WIP shot of a comic short I'm working on, themed around Valentine's Day. It should be around 20 pages or so. Considering how slow of a worker I am, I probably will finish it by next Valenine's day..

The work above was an acrylic painting for my mom's birthday of her and my dad's trip to Paris.

This isn't too clear, but is currently a website design idea I'm working for redoing my site which is too horrendous and anime obsessed for the average eye...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Moar 3D

This was my final project for 3D class which I am kinda happy with. I'm glad I took photos before going on the city bus as some parts of her got destroyed..

I am too poor to buy proper sculpey so I dug around old high school supplies till I managed to find some old pieces of it, hence the flourescent colour throw up..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hectic Hectic

A quick midnight pencil sketch that is turning into some photoshop fun. Dear lord I hate photoshop. How the hell do people make such masterpieces in an hour? I've been at this one for about 2 hours.

A few life drawings from my sketchbook back from um..February I think. 3-10 minutes. Both these models rock.

Life has been overwhelming lately and I've had not much time for school art, let alone personal stuff. On top of everything, my after effects has failed me and I'm having to redo the animation composition...whenever free time chooses to happen for me that is. Mostly it's been the usual bus sketches and whatnots.
My classmates got their portfolio results back and only a few got into animation, the poor chaps. But, those who did get in are going to go FAR. I got a nice part time job offer from X'ian, China for next year and will probably sign the contract by the end of the week once negotiations are done. I can't wait to get over there but at the same time I am terrified.
Otherwise, I'm working out like mad to get in shape for my first year of treeplanting, buying every bug dope in existence and ridiculous gear. I have a stupid dream of looking really rugged and badass once the planting season is over and scaring a few people on the city bus..heheh. Assuming I survive and can keep up to the planting standards.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Clara & Goose Animatic from Yuliya Stone on Vimeo.

So...I am an idiot who refuses to follow rules and then goes nowhere with her ways of doing things. I more or less had finished the pencil art for my cartoon following the piss poor "animatic" I had made in 5 minutes back in october. The animatic had maybe one sound effect, the scenes weren't timed and there were 30 different shots/cuts for a 1 minute cartoon. Which would mean 2 seconds per scene? Stoopid me. So I sat my stoopid ass down and spent two days actually doing something reasonable and smart as every animation book I have read so far has told me: do a full on animatic and do the sound before you start animating.

In other news, here is an insight into my bipolar brain:

1) Bakcground idea #1 - made sometime in october I wanted a simple, powerpuff type bg look. Looks awful.

2) Background idea #2 - Let's pretend we can outdo Disney. And make a North American forest look like a tropical jungle while at it. Fail.

3)Background Idea #3 - This one actually stuck for a while. Probably because its as generic as backgrounds can get. Yet another fail. And I'm starting to lose all hope in my Photoshop skills by this point.

4)Background Idea #4 - The weirdest of them all it seems, but this is what I am going to go with in the end. First it's done entirely by hand using my favorite art supplies. Second, it's not generic and suits my work more. Third, it's epically awesome or at least at this hour of the night it is.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Look What I Can Do

I did my first time consuming pop up artbook! Probably my first pop up in my lifetime. And it was both ridiculously challenging and tedious at points, but also super fun figuring out what mechanism will work and which wont. I must say, I am loving school assignments from second semester. Tons more freedom. : )

This one was simple but took forever to make it work so it folded up properly. And it does! I have to say I did cry when I saw my reference image of a factory farmed chicken

The following 2 pages were easy to make but took forever to color. Plus looking for food items in magazines is apparently a much more difficult task than one would think..And yes, I am aware of her extremely "dayuumm" derriere.